Tugboat Roundup, Fireworks, and Yes ... a "Line-Throwing Contest"

Mike Koutsourades, who runs The Hudson River Shop, writes:

"The Tugboat Roundup is September 5-7 at Waterford, NY. It's one of the largest tugboat gatherings in the Northeast. This year they are expecting over 30 tugs. What may be interesting to your readers is a lot of the tugs will be making their way up the Hudson the week of Sept. 1st. This is really a great event with historic boats, music, food and fireworks on the Erie Canal.

Also, check out some great shots of tug parade."

Thanks to Mike for this tip. I watched the promotional video above and in addition to tugboats (which you can ride) and fireworks, there is apparently a "line-throwing" contest. Presumably, this is the maritime equivalent of hitting the bell with a mallet at the state fair.


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