John Guinan: 1952 to 2008

John Guinan died last night after a long, and extraordinarily brave fight with brain cancer. He is survived by his wife Mary Jane, children Sean, Kelly and Casey, granddaughter Zoe, his siblings Margaret, Christine and Jimmy and his father Jim.
Your notes and calls to John over the past 18 months have meant more than you'll ever know. Rarely does someone hear such widespread affection from so many corners of the world. He deserved all of the love but took none of it for granted. And he changed many lives, my own included, in big and small ways.
The family will hold a wake from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday:
Clinton Funeral Home
21 Parrott Street
Cold Spring, NY 10516
(845) 265-3333
John's funeral will be at 10 a.m. on Saturday:
Our Lady of Loretto
24 Fair Street
Cold Spring, NY 10516
(845) 265-3781
In lieu of flowers, the family has asked that donations be made to Braking the Cycle and Team Guinan. This link will take you directly to Team Guinan's donation page, or type in:
(You can read more about Team Guinan in these posts)
If you have messages and memories for everyone who loved John, you can leave them as a comment at the end of this blog post.
Cards and notes for the family may be mailed to:
7 Pulaski Road Fishkill, NY 12524
Patti Anderson
My condolences to the Guinan family, and to all of those who knew and loved him. He will be sorely missed.
"the best man" or "strongest man" that she knew. After recovering from
the shock that I wasn't, I stopped and analyzed the comment and saw
how she or anyone could feel that way -- John was, in my few years
experience with him a gentle rock -- Soft-spoken, yet you always knew
that there was strength and toughness there. The strength was
certainly shown through his four cancer operations -- every time I saw
him and we talked about the experiences -- and we was very open and we
talked a number of times about it, including well over an hour the
night of "the Last Irish Night", he was very stoical, saying things
like "I do what I have to do -- I can't do any more -- but I do all I
can." (his resolve reminds me of what a good friend in Florida has
told me about her continuing fight with cancer, "I won't go easy"). I
saw John again on the last real day of Guinan's -- and expected to see
him again.
I'm very happy that he lived to your wedding date -- and sorry that he won't
see Kelly's.
My life was better for knowing John .. and having such discussions.
Thank you, John (and thank you, Wendy)
John F. McMullen
John is a part of my fondest memories of all of the rides I participated in, and he will always be in my heart, not just on the rides.
The great thing about John is that even tho he won't be riding this year, he'll still be riding in the hearts of all of us when we ride from Gettysburg this September.
You are in all of our hearts.
The Guinan family has asked that donations be made to the AIDS Ride, Braking the Cycle, in John's memory. You can do so at:
Lots of love from Blake, Steve and me.
I grew up going to the bar with my brother John and love John and the Guinan's as family.
I met John through my brother but will always remember working for John when I was 19; we developed our own friendship.
I can honestly say that I have never felt more welcome than my time spent with John and his wonderful family.
My heartfelt prayers and good wishes go out to them.
I will always have fond memories of
shooting darts at the bar on Saint Patty's Day.
Tony Scalpi
I only wish that I could make half the mark on the world that he has done.
We will miss you!
I know St. Peter is there to welcome you home.
Dan Sheehan
John, may you be hearing only the sweetish airs in your new home beyond the clouds.
To your family, please accept my condolences, and my wish that enduring memories of such a special man help you heal. - Andy
Sad but with the passing of John the inside looked like a shell of its former time trap. :(
Cathy Vinall Tompkins
Charlotte NC
I last saw John after Mike Mihalik's memorial service in February and he looked wonderful. He will be sorely missed. I will keep the Guinan family in my prayers.
Barbara Impellittiere
Beat Cornwall
Becka Rogers
(I'm not sure John knew how to rush...Running a little late today he would say, when I tried to squeeze the honey bear too hard at 6:08, all the while eying me with his impossible Irish twinkel...)
As John finished chatting he noticed that my son had broken his own little worker shove. At all of 2 years-old, my son was quite devastated by the flimsy tool's failure. John, taking this crappy little tool in all seriousness, hauled it into his truck and -- somehow -- repaired it. It never broke again.
I was a little stunned by this man's concern for a toddler's tool and no less so by the gravitas of his white-haired presence. It was gift from the trees which he seemed to love even as he cut them.
When John later returned to Guinan's to man the 4:30 a.m. counter, he was a presence that grounded my 6:09 morning commute with questions of whether I was expecting a flood (pants riding a little high) or quiet queries of whether I was in a bit of a mood. Who, but John, could be so generous -- and so funny --at 6:09?
I miss John, as do so many other people who, like me, didn't even know him all that well. It was enough to know John just a little -- and a privilege.
How lucky I count myself to call him someone who he knew by name.
Michelle & Ian Sarsfield
New York, NY
"In life and in death we belong to God" Rm 14.8
Though words cannot take your loss away still may these sent in sympathy help comfort you today.
Steve "The Whistler" Herbst
Michael Turton
Just Good bye John. You'll be missed and you are one to be emulated for your strenght, compassion and friendship.
love you and miss you John.
-Amanda Rose