Videos: "Closing Time" & "Jim Guinan Tribute"

Russ Cusick of In Focus Designs adds this video to the growing body of tributes to the Guinan store legacy. (Click on the "video" tab on the right side of this page to see others.)

What I like best about this one "Closing Time" -- a collage of images from Guinan's last day in business -- is the repetition of shots and how his camera canvases each nook and cranny of the pub and store as well as the faces there. The style is one of preservation, and that's what the spirit of all these creative efforts is about.


Unknown said…
My sister and brother-in-law, Sheila and Matt, and I spent a very memorable few hours at Guinan's back in November. It was our one and only vist, and we were lucky to spend some time chatting with Himself, Jim Guinan. I'm sorry we only learned of the place when it was closing. It truly exemplified what a real pub feels like. If I can figure out how to post the pictures I took that day, I will. Best of luck to all the Guinan's and extended family and thanks to Wendy for a wonderful book.

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